Homeless-Workforce Partnership
The Workforce Development Board (WDB) partners with Health, Housing & Homeless (H3) Services to serve our shared client base. The WDB is a bureau of the Employment and Human Services Dept. (EHSD) and H3 is a division of the Health Services Dept. (HSD) of Contra Costa County.
We invite you to learn more about our work together and our history.
Do you know someone who could use homeless and housing services?
For information about how to connect to Homeless Services, click here: https://cchealth.org/h3/coc/help.php
The Contra Costa Homeless Partner Map gives an overview of the types of housing and range of services comprising the system. (Click on “Full Map” to see all connections.)
For more information on the Homeless-Workforce Partnership, contact Maureen Nelson (WDB) at (925) 671-4542 or mnelson@ehsd.cccounty.us or Jaime Jenett (H3) at (925) 608-6716 or Jaime.Jenett@hsd.cccounty.us.
H3 graciously hosts the H-WIN meetings, so to be placed on the mailing list to receive announcements of H-WIN meetings, please contact Jaime Jenett (H3) at (925) 608-6716 or Jaime.Jenett@hsd.cccounty.us.
To read about our WAF 8.0 grant work, see Integrating Workforce and Homeless Services: An Experiment in Human Centered Design.