Our high-quality services support all businesses in Contra Costa County and the greater East Bay to make sure they are competitive. If local businesses can’t find enough skilled workers or they need new talent, we are the first stop to recruit, train and retain their workforce.
Our low- to no-cost services ensure a pipeline of diverse workforce talent is ready for the jobs of the future to improve your productivity and build your bottom line.
- Customized recruitment events for companies
- Job posting and access to qualified job seekers
- Space for recruitment events
- Financial assistance and subsidies for on-the-job employee training
- Assistance with identifying tax credits for new hires
- Access to Unemployment Insurance and Disability Insurance information and labor market data through EDD
- Layoff and Outplacement Services for businesses that are downsizing or closing

For additional information about these services, contact the WDB:
• Email –
• Phone – (925) 671-4560