This Workforce Development Board of Contra Costa County blog brings you the latest on workforce development partnerships and innovations that are driving an equitable recovery in Contra Costa County, California.


Contra Costa Health Ambassador Program Pathway to Permanent Healthcare Jobs

The Health Ambassador Adult Pilot Program, which launched January 2021 through a partnership between the WDBCCC, Contra Costa County Employment and Human Services and Contra Costa Health Services, strives to get vulnerable populations to work performing critical community services, while building the skills and experience necessary to gain entry to the health field, which is one of WDB's priority sectors.

Sabrina Villaro poses on the job as a Health Ambassador.

Ambassador Program Helping to Attract Young Talent to Manufacturing Field in Bay Area

The AMBayArea Manufacturing Ambassadors Program sends ambassadors from manufacturing companies into high schools, including those in school districts with large numbers of underrepresented and diverse populations. This is important for the Workforce Development Board of Contra Costa County (WDBCCC) as we focus on achieving equity in the Contra Costa workforce. Learn about this program and how it helps employers and students.

High school students listen as a worker at Creative Wood explains how to make a rounded reception desk during a Manufacturing Day factory tour in 2019.
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