Recruitment Services
(at no cost)
Recruitment Services
We can customize our services for the needs of each business by providing job posting and onsite recruitments. We connect employers to a candidate pool with diverse background and untapped talent. We meet your staffing need through partnerships with community organizations and training institutions to improve the quality of the local workforce and allow businesses to access skilled candidates.
Job Posting service allows you to advertise your employment opportunities through various online resources and community-based partnerships.
Recruitment provides you access to a pool of motivated and skilled candidates representing a wide variety of skills and industry backgrounds, ranging from entry level to professional and technical.
Recruitment Events can be organized, promoted, and hosted at no cost at our facilities or your choice of location to meet face-to-face with available job seekers.

For additional information about available Recruitment and On-the-Job Training services, please contact the WDB by phone at (925) 671-4560.

On-the-Job Training
This program provides eligible companies reimbursement for up to 50% of a new hire’s wage while they are in training. You design and implement the specific hands-on training; we supply a 50% wage reimbursement for up to the first 6 months of employment for eligible hires. Candidate recruitment and screening is also available to identify eligible candidates.
Employer Incentives – The business services team has resources to help you with talent recruitment and referral to partners.
- Access to qualified job seekers
- Customized recruitment events for companies
- Financial assistance for training new hires
- Assistance with identifying tax credits for new hires
- Access to Unemployment Insurance and Disability Insurance information and labor market data through EDD
- Information about specialized job fairs and business trade shows
- Outplacement services for businesses that are downsizing or closing
- Connections to other business resources