Free self-paced online career training
Description: The Skill-up Contra Costa Metrix Learning portal offers online computer classes from basic computer skills to web development and cyber security.
Benefits: Free online self-paced instruction to gain skills you need to start or advance your career.
Eligibility: Anyone wanting to learn basic computer skills.
How do I get started? Complete SkillUp Contra Costa’s short form to receive login instructions.

Career coaching
Description: Not sure where your strengths lie or what careers would be a good fit for you? A career coach can help you explore your options. This one-on-one process starts with an assessment that identifies your values, interests, skills, and personality type to help find the best career fit for you. Your coach will also share information about high-demand careers – where workers are most needed – and support you along the way, as you decide which career to pursue.
Career coaching is offered at the Concord America’s Job Center of California (AJCC) or any of the other adult service providers in Contra Costa County. Virtual coaching is also an option.
Benefits: Receive one-on-one guidance from a professional career coach to get on the path to the future you want.
Eligibility: Anyone adult 18+ who enrolls in the Workforce Innovation & Opportunity Act (WIOA) program and completes orientation. Priority of service is given to recipients of public assistance, other low-income individuals, or those experiencing job loss.
How do I get started? The first step is to have a valid email address and then complete this form. A Career Services team member will then email you to help with registration for the WIOA program and to share information about the next orientation session.

Career coaching
Description: Not sure where your strengths lie or what careers would be a good fit for you? A career coach can help you explore your options. This one-on-one process starts with an assessment that identifies your values, interests, skills, and personality type to help find the best career fit for you. Your coach will also share information about high-demand careers – where workers are most needed – and support you along the way, as you decide which career to pursue.
Benefits: Receive one-on-one guidance from a professional career coach to get on the path to the future you want.
Eligibility: Individuals ages 16-24 who enroll in the Workforce Innovation & Opportunity Act (WIOA) program and complete orientation.
Out-of-School Youth: If you have dropped out of high school, you may be eligible if you are facing barriers to employment such as pregnancy, parenting, or justice involvement; have a disability; are currently/formerly in foster care; or are experiencing homelessness. If you are a high school graduate no longer attending school, you may be eligible if you are considered low-income and you also have a need to improve your basic skills or are an English language learner.
In-School Youth: If you are currently enrolled in school, you may be eligible if you are considered low-income and are experiencing one of the barriers to employment mentioned above in the Out-of-School Youth section.
How do I get started? Complete this form and one of our partners will reach out to you with information on how to apply for the Workforce Innovation & Opportunity Act (WIOA) Youth Program.

Funding for job training
Description: A new career starts here! You can receive up to $5,000 to help cover the cost of job training through any eligible provider. Earn a certificate in a high-demand field – where workers are most needed – including advanced manufacturing; construction; energy; healthcare and life sciences; information and communications technology and digital media; or transportation and logistics.
Eligible providers are listed on the Eligible Training Provider List (ETPL). These providers meet the requirements to provide training services funded by the Workforce Innovation & Opportunity Act. All ETPL programs and providers can be found on this CalJOBS webpage.
If you participate in the WIOA job-training program, you may be eligible to receive supportive services that can include payment or reimbursement for training-related costs, such as school supplies, books, fees, uniforms, tools, union dues, and transportation.
Benefits: A $5,000 scholarship to cover the cost of job training and access to support services, such as child care or transportation, that will make it easier for you to pursue your education.
Eligibility: Anyone adult 18+ who enrolls in the Workforce Innovation & Opportunity Act (WIOA) program, completes orientation, provides the required documents, and demonstrates the need for assistance. Priority of service given to recipients of public assistance and other low-income individuals.
How do I get started? The first step is to have a valid email address and then complete this form to have a Career Services team member email you to help with registration for the WIOA program and to share information about the next orientation session.

Funding for job training
Description: A new career starts here! You can receive up to $5,000 to help cover the cost of job training through any eligible provider. Earn a certificate in a high-demand field – where workers are most needed – including advanced manufacturing; construction; energy; healthcare and life sciences; information and communications technology and digital media; or transportation and logistics.
A list of training providers and programs of study can be found on the CalJOBS website.
Benefits: A $5,000 scholarship to cover the cost of job training and access to supportive services, such as school supplies, books, fees, uniforms, tools, union dues, child care or transportation.
Eligibility: Individuals ages 16-24 who enroll in the Workforce Innovation & Opportunity Act (WIOA) program and complete orientation.
Out-of-School Youth: If you have dropped out of high school, you may be eligible if you are facing barriers to employment such as pregnancy, parenting, or justice involvement; have a disability; are currently/formerly in foster care; or are experiencing homelessness. If you are a high school graduate no longer attending school, you may be eligible if you are considered low-income and you also have a need to improve your basic skills or are an English language learner.
In-School Youth: If you are currently enrolled in school, you may be eligible if you are considered low-income and are experiencing one of the barriers to employment mentioned above in the Out-of-School Youth section.
How do I get started? Complete this form and one of our partners will reach out to you with information on how to apply for the Workforce Innovation & Opportunity Act (WIOA) Youth Program.

Job-search resources
Description:The Concord America’s Job Center of California (AJCC) offers resources to help with your job search – at no cost to you. It offers labor market information and other job search resources. You can also access computers or the copy or fax machine. To use center resources, you must first register in CalJOBS.
Benefits: Many job-search resources in one place, as well as the opportunity to receive current information about open positions and local job fairs.
Eligibility: Any job seeker who registers for an account with CalJOBS.
How do I get started? Create an account on CalJOBS, if you don’t already have one, then visit an AJCC or any of our Contra Costa Workforce Collaborative partner locations.

Job-search resources
Description: The Concord America’s Job Center of California (AJCC) offers resources to help with your job search – at no cost to you. It offers books, labor market information, and other resources related to the job search. You can also access computers or the copy or fax machine. To use center resources, you must first register in CalJOBS. Once you register, you also will have the opportunity to subscribe to a Hot Jobs newsletter and to receive notifications of upcoming job fairs (in-person and virtual).
Benefits: Many job-search resources in one place, as well as the opportunity to receive current information about open positions and local job fairs.
Eligibility: Any jobseeker 18+ who registers for an account with CalJOBS.
How do I get started? If you do not have a CalJOBS account, then go to the CalJOBS website to create an account. You will then be eligible to use AJCC services. If you already have a CalJOBS account, then you are already eligible to visit the AJCC.

Labor market information
Description: If you are interested in pursuing a job in a new field but want to know more about that field before deciding, you can access information about the labor market and hiring trends. Find out which careers are in-demand and growing, which career pathways can lead you to a sustainable wage and have room for advancement.
The Concord America’s Job Center of California (AJCC) offers labor market information, and staff members can help you understand and interpret the information so you can apply it to your job search.
Benefits: Get the information you need to make an informed decision about your next job or career.
Eligibility: Any job seeker who registers for an account with CalJOBS.
How do I get started? Create an account on CalJOBS, if you don’t already have one, then visit an AJCC or any of our Contra Costa Workforce Collaborative partner locations.

Labor market information
Description: If you are interested in pursuing a job in a new field but want to know more about that field before deciding, you can access information about the labor market and hiring trends. Find out which careers are in-demand and growing, which career pathways can lead you to a sustainable wage and have room for advancement.
The Concord America’s Job Center of California (AJCC) offers labor market information, and staff members can help you understand and interpret the information so you can apply it to your job search.
Benefits: Get the information you need to make an informed decision about your next job or career.
Eligibility: Any jobseeker 18+ who registers for an account with CalJOBS.
How do I get started? If you do not have a CalJOBS account, the first step is to go to the CalJOBS website to create an account. You will then be eligible to use AJCC services. If you already have a CalJOBS account, then you are already eligible to visit the AJCC.

Résumé writing and interview skills
Description: Take your resume to the next level and get expert interviewing tips that will help you stand out from other job candidates. These and other job-search tips and skills are shared throughout the month during free online workshops hosted by the California Employment Development Department.
Benefits: Free access to expert information that will help your job search and could make you a stand-out job candidate.
Eligibility: Any job seeker who registers for an account with CalJOBS.
How do I get started? If you already have a CalJOBS account, log in to your account and go to My Resources. Under My Resources, select Upcoming Events. To find local events, enter the 94520 zip code and select Workshop/Training and then select Filter. That should display local workshop options.
If you do not have a CalJOBS account, the first step is to go to the CalJOBS website to create an account, and follow the steps above to register for a workshop.

Résumé writing and interview skills
Description: Take your resume to the next level and get expert interviewing tips that will help you stand out from other job candidates. These and other job-search tips and skills are shared throughout the month during free online workshops hosted by the California Employment Development Department.
Benefits: Free access to expert information that will help your job search and could make you a stand-out job candidate.
Eligibility: Any jobseeker 18+ who registers for an account with CalJOBS.
How do I get started? If you already have a CalJOBS account, log in to your account and go to My Resources. Under My Resources, select Upcoming Events. To find local events, enter the 94520 zip code and select Workshop/Training and then select Filter. That should display local workshop options.
If you do not have a CalJOBS account, the first step is to go to the CalJOBS website to create an account, and follow the steps above to register for a workshop.

Layoff aversion assistance
Description: We connect your business to resources to help prevent laying off workers. If your company is at risk of closure or a reduction in employees, we can help you develop successful strategies to operate more efficiently while improving productivity and reducing costs.
When downsizing is inevitable, we ensure a seamless strategy for your affected employees through Rapid Response activities.
Our confidential and no-cost layoff aversion services assist vulnerable businesses by quickly linking them to economic development assistance and resources to aid in retaining and strengthening their operation.
Eligibility: Any employer in Contra Costa County laying off 50 or more employees. The employer must be a W2 employer and not an employer who pays commission only or a 1099 contractor.
How do I get started? Complete this form to have a Business Services team member reach out to you. If you prefer, you can email Rapid Response Coordinator Charles Brown III at

Layoff & outplacement assistance
Description: We provide layoff and outplacement services to your business through our Rapid Response team, which is a cooperative effort between the Local Workforce Development Area Rapid Response Coordinator, America’s Job Center of California (AJCC), and the Employment Development Department (EDD).
Rapid Response teams assist employers and workers during a mass layoff or plant closing by disseminating information about the adult and dislocated worker programs available under Title I of the Workforce Innovation & Opportunity Act (WIOA), the America’s Job Center of California (AJCC), and Unemployment Insurance programs.
The primary purpose of Rapid Response is to enable affected workers to return to work as quickly as possible following a layoff or to prevent layoffs altogether.
Benefits to Employers:
- Higher productivity and worker morale and lower absenteeism during a layoff event due to reduced stress
- Lower unemployment insurance costs as workers are re-employed more quickly when services are begun prior to layoff
- Better public relations for an employer – Rapid Response can work with the media to highlight services an employer is providing to its workers during a layoff period
- If the dislocation is the result of foreign competition or foreign relocation, the dislocated worker may be eligible for assistance, income support, job search assistance/relocation and/or training under the Trade Adjustment Assistance (TAA)
Benefits to Employees:
- Work-site informational sessions covering unemployment insurance, community resources, small business/entrepreneurship, reemployment, career options and training opportunities
- Assessment of job readiness
- Job search, job placement, and resume prep assistance
- Career guidance and access to labor market information
- Help to prepare for interviews
- Access to networking groups
- Referrals to area employers that are hiring
- Focused career fairs
- WARN Provisions
Eligibility: Any employer in Contra Costa County laying off 50 or more employees. The employer must be a W2 employer and not an employer who pays commission only or a 1099 contractor.
How do I get started? Complete this form to have a Business Services team member reach out to you. If you prefer, you can email Rapid Response Coordinator Charles Brown III at

Subsidized workers
Description: Your business could receive a wage subsidy equal to the California state minimum wage by hiring eligible jobseekers for full- or part-time positions, under the CCWORKS program. CCWORKS is a component of the CalWORKs/Welfare to Work program. There is no cost to your business to participate in this program.
Benefits: Receive reimbursement for a portion of eligible workers’ wages and save time and money by letting us pre-screen applicants that meet your specific needs.
Eligibility: Any employer in Contra Costa County, or if our client chooses to work in other areas outside of Contra Costa County. The employer must recruit and interview applicants from the CalWORKS /Welfare-To-Work population and be a W2 employer, not an employer who only pays by commission or a 1099 contractor.
How do I get started? Complete the form at the bottom of this page to have a CCWORKS member reach out to you.

Subsidized on-the-job training
Description: If your company is eligible, it can be reimbursed for up to 50% of a new hire’s wage while they are in training. Your company designs and implements the specific hands-on training; we supply a 50% wage reimbursement for up to the first 6 months of employment for eligible hires. Candidate recruitment and screening is also available to identify eligible candidates.
Benefits: A new employee at half the cost, for up to six months, giving you savings you can use elsewhere in your business operations.
Eligibility: Any employer in a high-growth industry sector that is hiring Contra Costa County residents. The employer must provide for the employee a training plan that describes the skills the employee will learn, etc., and the employer must pay the required hourly wage before they can be reimbursed.
How do I get started? Complete this form to have a Business Services team member reach out to you. If you prefer, you can call 925-671-4560.

Recruitment events
Description: We organize, promote, and host employee recruitment events at our facilities or at a location of your choice, at no cost to your business. These events allow you to meet face-to-face with candidates who represent a wide variety of skills and industry backgrounds, ranging from entry level to professional and technical. We also can provide your business with information about specialized job fairs and business trade shows.
Benefits: We do the heavy lifting in organizing, promoting and hosting recruitment events so your team can focus on picking the right candidate for your business.
Eligibility: Any employer in Contra Costa County seeking to fill a job that comes with salary (not a commission-only job).
How do I get started? Complete this form to have a Business Services team member reach out to you. If you prefer, you can call 925-671-4560.

Job postings & candidate access
Description: We draw on our extensive network to advertise your business’s job opportunities through various online resources and community-based partnerships. We also have relationships with training institutions that provide access to qualified candidates with diverse backgrounds and untapped talent.
Benefits: Greater visibility for your job postings among the right audiences for your industry, increasing your chances of a successful hire.
Eligibility: Any employer in Contra Costa County seeking to fill a job that comes with salary (not a commission-only job).
How do I get started? Complete this form to have a Business Services team member reach out to you.

Basic computer skills
Description: Do you feel intimidated by computers? Not sure how to create and save a file or send an email? The SkillUp Contra Costa Metrix Learning portal offers online computer classes that teach basic skills to help you feel more comfortable using a computer.
Benefits: Free online self-paced instruction in basic computer use to gain the skills you need to compete with today’s business practices.
Eligibility: Anyone wanting to learn basic computer skills
How do I get started? The first step is to visit the America’s Job Center of California (AJCC) in Concord or complete this form using a valid email address and someone from our team will reach out to you. If visiting the AJCC, please note, you will be directed to register in CalJOBS. If you prefer, you can email Veronica Ramos at for help signing up for Metrix and finding courses. For priority populations, such as those receiving benefits, low-income individuals, or individuals already receiving WIOA services, please contact your assigned case manager for access.

Skills upgrade or certification
Description: If you are looking to upgrade your skills to perform better in your job or advance in your career, we can help. You can access hundreds of self-driven courses for free through our SkillUp Contra Costa Metrix Learning portal.
You can also receive up to $5,000 to help cover the cost of skills training through any eligible provider. Add to your skillset with a certificate in a high-demand field, including advanced manufacturing; construction; energy; healthcare and life sciences; information and communications technology and digital media; or transportation and logistics.
Eligible providers are listed on the Eligible Training Provider List (ETPL). These providers meet the requirements to provide training services funded by the Workforce Innovation & Opportunity Act. All ETPL programs and providers can be found on this CalJOBS webpage.
If you participate in the WIOA job-training program, you may be eligible to receive supportive services that can include payment or reimbursement for training-related costs, such as; school supplies, books, fees, uniforms, tools, union dues and childcare, transportation, and a stipend to cover the cost of your books, among other services.
Benefits: Free self-paced online learning and assessments to help with enhancing skills such as digital literacy; food preparation and serving-related occupations; education and sales occupations; as well as healthcare and manufacturing and trade occupations. (Metrix)
A $5,000 scholarship to cover the cost of job training and access to support services that will make it easier for you to pursue your education. (ETPL)
Eligibility: Any adult 18+ who enrolls in the Workforce Innovation & Opportunity Act (WIOA) program, completes orientation, provides the required documents, and demonstrates need for assistance.
How do I get started? The first step is to have a valid email address and then complete this form to have a Career Services team member email you to help with registration for the WIOA program and to share information about the next orientation session.

Start here with our Orientation to the Workforce Innovation & Opportunity Act
Job Seekers
Complete the form below to receive updates and to request more information.
Complete the form below to receive updates and to request more information.
Start here with our Orientation to the Workforce Innovation & Opportunity Act
Job Seekers (16-24)
Complete the form below to receive updates and to request more information.
Your Resume: Stand Up. Stand Out.
Watch this how-to tutorial to make sure your resume has what employers are looking for.
Resume Tips: Always Be Fine-Tuning!
Your resume is always a work in process — watch this video to find out how to keep it fresh.
Your Cover Letter: The Gateway to Your Resume
You’ve got a great resume —now let’s make sure employers actually read it. Watch this step-by-step video to create a compelling cover letter.
CalJOBS: Your Job Search Kickoff
Now that your resume and cover letter are ready, let’s move on to your job search. This video shows how CalJOBS can help you jumpstart your efforts.