

You are not alone



You are not alone

Check out our videos

Watch our collection of videos with resources and tools

Start here with our Orientation to the
Workforce Innovation & Opportunity Act
See how other jobseekers have launched new careers

Your Resume: Stand Up. Stand Out.

Watch this how-to tutorial to make sure your resume has what employers are looking for.

Resume Tips: Always Be Fine-Tuning!

Your resume is always a work in process — watch this video to find out how to keep it fresh.

Your Cover Letter: The Gateway to Your Resume

You’ve got a great resume —now let’s make sure employers actually read it. Watch this step-by-step video to create a compelling cover letter.

CalJOBS: Your Job Search Kickoff

Now that your resume and cover letter are ready, let’s move on to your job search. This video shows how CalJOBS can help you jumpstart your efforts.


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