Kelly Schelin
Kelly Schelin joined the WDB in June 2020 and currently serves on the Business and Economic Development Committee.
Q: What is your profession, and how does it intersect with workforce development?
A: For the past two and a half years, I have served as the Associate Vice Chancellor of Educational Services for the Contra Costa Community College District. In this capacity, I oversee the Workforce and Economic Development Division at the District, which includes Contra Costa College, Diablo Valley College, and Los Medanos College. Prior to serving in this role, I was the Dean of Workforce Development at Contra Costa College in San Pablo for four years.
Contra Costa College has enjoyed a rich and longstanding partnership with WDBCCC. The college has partnered with WDBCCC several times over the past six years to host countywide job fairs that have brought hundreds of job seekers and dozens of employers onto the college campus. Additionally, the college partnered closely with the local AJCC for several years to provide wrap-around WIOA services for the college’s forklift program students.
Q: Why do you choose to serve on the WDBCCC?
A: I believe that the strength of the workforce development board is its ability to function as the great convener, the entity that effectively connects training providers, businesses, and community-based organizations in a network of mutually beneficial support that can help job seekers be successful, not only for themselves, but for the good of the larger workforce and community.
Q: What aspects of your board service are you most passionate about?
A: I am passionate about building industry-informed training programs that are aligned with workforce needs, and this requires robust private-public partnerships.
Q: How is the WDB working to achieve equity in workforce development?
A: The WDB is committed to developing programs and services that address the needs of all job seekers, regardless of background or skill level.