YEOP Soft Skills Workshop (Ages 15-25)

YEOP Soft Skills
Soft Skills are interpersonal skills that describe a person’s relationships with other people.
Description: Soft skills are skills that describe a person’s relationship with other people. This workshop will cover which soft skills are important in the workplace, and different ways we can include them on resumes, applications and during interviews.
Youths ages 15-25 are welcome to attend.
To Register:
Login to your CalJOBS account
Under your Individual Workspace, Click on My Resources
Go to Upcoming Events
Make sure that the following fields are completed:
Zip Code: 94520
Event Region: Contra Costa County Workforce Development Board
Event Office: Concord America’s Job Center of California)
Event Category: Click on the event of your choice.
Select the Workshop you wish to attend for the Current month.
Scroll Down and find the Register button.
To join the workshop, please register at https://www.caljobs.ca.gov you will receive a Zoom link one day prior to the workshop and contact Toni.Miculob@edd.ca.gov.
For more information, please call EDD Concord Office at 1-925-602-0869 or email WSBConcordFieldOffice@edd.ca.gov
Youth Employment Opportunity Program (YEOP) helps risks youth between the ages of 15- 25 achieve their educational and vocational goals through a variety of specialized services. YEOP specialists are peer advisors with similar experiences who work with youth as mentors and career coaches. They can provide referrals to supportive services, career coaching, employment preparation, and training.