Carol Asch
Carol Asch joined the WDB in 2012 and serves on the Youth Committee.
Q: What is your profession, and how does it intersect with workforce development?
A: As the Regional Director for the Department of Rehabilitation, Greater East Bay District, I represent the Vocational Rehabilitation program on the Workforce Development Board. The Greater East Bay District provides vocational rehabilitation services for over 7,500 individuals with disabilities each year, including youth and adults. We collaborate with businesses, school districts, community colleges and universities, county and state programs, the Regional Center, and city and county workforce development boards in the region to provide opportunities for employment for our participants and skilled, qualified candidates for our business partners.
Q: Why do you choose to serve on the WDBCCC?
A: I have been active in business engagement throughout the Bay Area throughout my career and especially enjoy being involved in economic development and growth in my community.
Q: What aspects of your board service are you most passionate about?
A: For over 20 years, I have been involved in programs and advocacy toward employment, independence, equality and full inclusion for individuals with disabilities and other barriers to employment.
Q: How do you see the WDB assisting in Contra Costa’s economic recovery from the pandemic?
A: The WDBCCC has engaged partners and stakeholders in strategic planning to address the unique challenges created by the pandemic. The WDBCCC continues to establish industry, education, and government partnerships and will work to develop a skilled, agile and diverse local workforce.